Tuesday, December 29, 2009

STUFFED magazine

was supposed to be out in stores on jan. 1st, but i'm hearing that some people have found it already! (barnes and noble)
it's the winter issue 2010...

there are weirdos in there!



sassypackrat said...

How exciting for you! I'll have to see if I can get a copy and check the Weirdos out!

yoborobo said...

YAY!!!! I have been trying to find a copy - but we live in the middle of NOWHERE evidently, and our Border's doesn't carry it. Love those Weirdos! xox Pam

susarto said...

thanks girls!!! :D

if you really wanted it, pam, you can order one here: http://stampington.com/html/stuffed_w10.html

you AND sassypackrat should consider submitting to the next one! :D

Heli said...

Wow! that's lovely! Congrats Sus :)

susarto said...

thanks heli! :D